A blog dedicated to public records requests and Monterey County news.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Fort Ord Gambling: Part One

In early June, I was doing a lot of stories that included a discussion of gambling on the county's former Army base and one question kept bothering me.

Officials at the Fort Ord Reuse Authority told me a horse race track would be OK with its current anti-gambling policy because it was considered "a sport."

I began to wonder: "Are they just saying that? Or is there some basis for it?"

So I made a California Public Records Act request for, basically, any time FORA discussed gambling in its history. I got so many documents back I needed to split this one up into several posts.

Included here are my response letter, documents related to a 1995 to 1996 saga between Monterey and the authority over gambling and a letter from then-Mayor Dan Albert about the whole ordeal.

In the second document make sure to check out pages 14 to 15 which describes the laws (at that time) on horse racing. It actually explains how a local district could stop a horse track (which I would think something Measure M folks have probably already explored).

I know there is a lot of interest in this subject, so I hope someone finds use of this material. More coming next week ...

Fort Ord gambling 3 -
Fort Ord gambling 2 -
Fort Ord gambling 1 -

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